Ten years ago, my CIO walked into my office and told me he had a great opportunity for me. He wanted me to be a key tester for our new upgrade project. I had been with the company for 10 years so I was very familiar with most of the operational processes involved with our Construction and Accounting side.
He was right, this “opportunity” spiraled into a wonderful transition which allowed me to work with all of our Construction and Service departments. I was able to make some amazing relationships along the way and gained a whole new perspective in my career. More of a 360 degree view of how the company operated. And instead of being a “data processor”, as I saw myself, I became more of a team member- solution provider. Completely changed the way I viewed my career both presently and in the future.
I also learned a great deal about how I “process” information. First, I am very “anal”ytical. Yes, I spelled that correctly. My co-workers can all assure you of this fact. I learned that I need to write everything down to retain it, EVERYTHING. And what is most interesting is that I will probably never go back and read it; although there has been occasion where this is required. In my brain, when I write it down, touch it, feel it, I retain it. It’s just the way I learn. My husband reads it and remembers it forever. Me, I have to touch it first. I also learned that I am very detail oriented. Sometimes, to a fault. It became very important to me to detail everything we did through this process, and I hope that it helped us all to grow in the last 10 years.
What I learned through this process and what I want you to know is there is a plan that has been built just for you. In my life, God has directed every change in my life. I have only been “along for the ride.” Now, I never realized this until recently, it happened very subtly. One door opened, I walked through, another door closed. I can only remember making road detour decisions in my life at 2 occasions. Jeremiah 29:11 says that “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” My calling never seemed to be more than just to be obedient, to be a servant to others and to be willing. I believe that God calls us all to live this way.
However, some of us have a specific calling. Some know it very early in life, others may not find out until later. I truly believe that God makes it known at the perfect time for everyone. And your calling may be like mine, to “Serve”, in whatever capacity God places you.
Going into my 20th year of service, I am very thankful for all of the opportunities I have been given and for the path which God has placed me. This is more than a career to me, has always been more than a paycheck. This is an opportunity to serve others and to be a Light to help others. Some may see me as overhead since I don’t turn wrenches, but I hope that when others see me, they see my yearning to help them, to make the company a better place and of course to see Jesus. This is my mission field.
So I encourage you, recognize that God has a plan for you.
Secondly, step into His plan with Faith. Psalm 139:16 reminds us that “All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be.” God knows every day of our lives before we ever live it. God knows us better than we even know ourselves. Psalm 32:8 shares it like this “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you.” You can trust that His plan is greater than anything you could ever imagine and that He will always be there to see you through.
Third, Seek Him first. Matthew 6:33 says “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” This verse became very clear to me during a teaching from Robert Morris from his book “The Blessed Life.” In this, I learned that if I seek God first in ANYTHING I do, it opens up His blessings to everything which comes after. So, in my career, when I dedicate my day, my job to Him, he can counsel me and bless all of my decisions, all of my movements.
Finally, recognize that every day is a gift. Every opportunity you are given is an opportunity to learn, to grow, to make new relationships. Learning to see each opportunity in this light allows you to enjoy all challenges; in lieu of seeing them as an interruption to our schedules. Looking back, I know that God has always had His Hand on my life. He has blessed every opportunity and challenge I have been given. And even in the immature reactions, bad decisions, etc; He has turned each one into a learning opportunity to grow me.
This year has been another fork in the road for me. And while I can’t see where He is leading, I know that His Perfect Will is at Hand.
You can too.
Father, thank You for guiding us and directing us in the way we should go. Thank you for the promise that You will instruct us and teach us in the way we should go. We trust you Lord and we ask that You continue to walk with us with Your Loving Eye on us, show us the plan and purpose You have for our lives.
We Love You,
Your Loving Daughter