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Eve M. Harrell
Aug 13, 20184 min read
When You Can't Fix It
It’s inevitable, regardless how successful you are, there will be a moment, a day, a season when you just can’t “fix it.” Oh, but we so...

Eve M. Harrell
Sep 8, 20175 min read
Don't Let the Storm Weather Your Heart
We are deep into Hurricane Season. It is barely September and we have already experienced the devastation of two CAT 4 and 5 hurricanes....

Eve M. Harrell
Aug 21, 20175 min read
Parenting a Prodigal- Removing the Mask
My pastor spoke directly to my heart yesterday. He spoke aloud what I have been crying to the Lord for five+ years, but afraid to say in...

Eve M. Harrell
Mar 9, 20174 min read
Moving Mountains
As the sun rises my heart grows heavy. Every morning I awake with a song on my heart, what is so different about today? Heartbreak,...

Eve M. Harrell
May 2, 20164 min read
A Helicopter Mom's Guide to Letting Go
Your baby steps foot on the school bus for the first time, turning to wave goodbye as you shed a tear. Your child is entering Middle...

Eve M. Harrell
Apr 13, 20164 min read
A Helicopter Mom's Guide to Trusting in the Lord
Sounds like an contradiction, right? Perhaps a play on words? But I am here to tell you, from one hovering parent to another: It is...

Eve M. Harrell
Apr 6, 20162 min read
A Birthday Blessing for my Son
On a Monday, you stole my heart for the very first time. I would have the honor of your calling me mom forever as mine. “Children are a...

Eve M. Harrell
Feb 28, 20163 min read
Connecting The Dots - Mentorship and Divine Appointments
Do you believe in divine appointments? I do, whether for a moment or a lifetime, I believe that God has created appointments meant to...

Eve M. Harrell
Feb 15, 20163 min read
Praying in the Wake of Uncertainty
Challenges come in all shapes and sizes. And the days when uncertainty follows a challenge can be unnerving. Perhaps a daughter is...

Eve M. Harrell
Feb 8, 20164 min read
Parenting in a Thriving CommUnity
It is a beautiful Friday in Georgia. The sky is blue and the sun is shining so bright through my office window. It seems brighter today...
eve m. harrell
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