Daddy, I don’t know.
The rocks look slippery. What if I fall?
Daughter, if you fall, I will be here to catch you.
Take my hand and trust me.
My heart pounds when I read Psalm 73:23- “Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand.” The psalmist is crying out to God at the beginning of his prayer, “Surely God is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart. But as for me, my feet had almost slipped; I had nearly lost my foothold.”
As for me…
How many times I take for granted that life is unpredictable, and completely out of my control. I too can find myself tempted with envy over those who seemingly have no struggles; those whose bodies are healthy and strong. Those free from burdens, free from illness.
In Psalm 73, we read of a man who, like most of us, struggles with the day to day question, “Why do I have to go through this?” “Surely in vain I have kept my heart pure and have washed my hands in innocence. All day long I have been afflicted, and every morning brings new punishments.”
Have you asked the question: WHY GOD?
Yes, why? God, why are so many bad things happening around me? Why do I have to wait? Why am I being sifted in this season? Why am I suffering? Why do I have to watch the ones I love suffer? So many questions, I don’t know what else to do except lay them at Your Feet, God.
I am tired and weak. But Father, You are strong.
As we peer into the cry of our Psalmist to the Lord; we begin to see the understanding shine within his heart. He recognizes that everything isn’t quite as it appears. In fact, he sees through the shell of a seemingly perfect life into the destiny that awaits those who are far from God, he sees their destruction.
It troubles him deeply.
We see the grief in his heart over questioning God’s plan. And in a moment of glory, I imagine him looking up at Abba Father as he is reminded that God is always with him, holding him by his right hand. Guiding him with His counsel in preparation to take him into glory.
I am this man today.
I don’t know what comes next or even when this season will end. But I do know that my Papa God will hold my hand through it all. And until the day He takes me into glory, I will continue navigating the rocks of life with Him by my side. His plan truly is perfect. His purpose for me is so much greater than what I could ever imagine, so I trust. I trust as I step into His plan all the while intentionally pointing others to Him; because the thought of witnessing the destruction of those far from God is more than I can bear. I know that this is His Heart too as His Word says that He desires for all to come to Him. If He was willing to struggle, die even; I accept that my struggles are a mere drop in the river of life.
Thank You Abba Father. Thank You for holding my hand every day. Through both the good and the bad, You continue to strengthen me, grow my faith and walk with me over the rocks of life. Father, I may be weak but You are strong; and in Your strength I will persevere as the world crumbles around me. You call me Your Daughter, Mighty Warrior, courageous. You believe in me so I can believe in myself. Help me Lord to lay my struggles at Your Feet and leave them there. Help me Holy Spirit to recognize that one matters to You and that my struggles are nothing compared to a lost sheep. Help me to see through Your Eyes and recognize that the rocks of life, while slippery, cannot keep me from fulfilling that for which You have sent me. You are my refuge.
In Jesus’ Name
But as for me, it is good to be near God.
I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge; I will tell of all Your deeds.
Psalm 73:28
Are you in a season of wait and unpredictability? I would love to pray for you! Leave a comment below if you are on a desktop, leave a comment on my social media site or feel free to email me @ eharrell@adaughtersjourney.net .