Mesmerized by the frothy leaf in my coffee cup, my hand shook. A hundred questions scattered my insecure brain. As I sat across from this amazing woman of God, I was thankful for the love that our Father placed into her heart. It was inspiring. Radiating a hefty dose of salt and light, this woman had a life of experience working with teen girls and I sensed the Lord's press to ask her to mentor me.
She said yes.
Over the course of several meetings, she shared her great heart for young women. It was so evident in her eyes how much she loved working with the next generation.
I wanted to be like her!
When God called me to serve, I was obstinate. “Nope, already went to High School, Lord, and do not want to repeat!” Silly ‘ole me. I’ll just bet God sat back and laughed. He knew something that I didn’t know quite yet.
I too was going to share in the zeal He had placed in my friend’s heart.
Wow, what a journey! Over the course of the last eight years, I have had the honor to mentor six amazing young women and be inspired by over a hundred.
Yes, they inspire me!
Isaiah 55:10 says, “As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields see for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”
I love this scripture, EVERYthing the Lord sends comes back to Him.
In the meetings I had with my friend, we talked about how to mentor and lead young women to Jesus. I have to confess, my confidence in this area was very small.
He saw something in me that even I didn’t see. I’ve always had a connection with young people, even from my youth. WHERE DID THIS COME FROM, GOD?
“Daughter, I have placed a calling on your life. I have a plan, to give you hope and a future.”
In my Father’s Eyes, I am the righteousness of Christ. I am His servant and a servant to His children. I have been blessed with gifts that include teaching, mercy and faith. All uniquely designed to work in His Kingdom. By no means am I perfect or even experienced, but He’s growing me with the love of Christ. When I make a mistake- He encourages me to learn. When I fail- He calls me to persevere and seek His strength. When I am uncertain- He teaches me through the truth in His Word. Keeping my eyes on Him reminds me that it is only THROUGH HIM that I can do anything. Take my eyes off Jesus and well- complete chaos can be expected.
How about you? Do you know your gifts? God created you to do great things for His Kingdom. YES YOU!
I would like to encourage you with three actions:
Pray for His discernment and take notice of what comes naturally in your daily life. Write down what He tells you.
Listen to the compliments that trusted friends and family give you. Write down what they say.
Visit SpiritualGiftsTest.com and see what spiritual gifts you have been given. Align them with 1 and 2 above.
I would like to add three words of encouragement shared with me on my journey:
When we align with His will, we recognize our strengths AND weaknesses. When this happens, don’t be afraid or feel disqualified. Place your weaknesses at His Feet and allow Him to grow and strengthen you.
We cannot allow the technicality of our calling to get in the way of our gift. The gift comes from above. Remember Isaiah 55:10? God provides, a purpose is fulfilled and the result returns to Him. The minute that we grab hold of our calling and make it ours, We are in danger of losing the blessing found in the fruit of our calling. Daily, we have to lay our calling at the feet of Jesus, thank Him for His blessing and ask how He wants to use us for His glory.
I recognized that my natural abilities have been attacked all of my life. The gifts that God specifically and uniquely gave me have been a hunting ground for the enemy. The enemy threw out his darts in the form of these lies:
- Teaching: “You’re not good enough."
- Mercy: “Your struggles are greater than others."
- Faith: “You’re afraid of everything, you can’t believe that God will fight for you!"
I HAD TO LEARN that the power of Christ is in us to rebuke the enemy’s lies and keep him from gaining a foothold in our mind. Do you know this truth Beautiful? We must speak truth to our challenge! Not only did Jesus give us unique gifts and callings, but He also gave us His strength and victory to overcome the enemy’s lies!
So how about it? Can you see your reflection? Let's go after our callings together!
Daughter, in the Father’s Eyes YOU are fearfully and wonderfully made in His image, uniquely designed as a child of God with great purpose and a calling on your life. You, Beautiful, are a mighty warrior! Step into the purpose for which you have been uniquely designed and see yourself in the Father’s Eyes!
Father, I thank You for the amazing women You have placed in my life to mentor and inspire me. I lift up each young woman reading this today. I pray this will serve as encouragement, that You will show her the individual strengths and gifts You have placed in her heart. Draw her near Lord, allow her to see her reflection in Your eyes. Help her to see herself as a mighty warrior for the kingdom and give her the strength to turn the enemy away and speak truth to her challenge and her life. I pray Father that she will courageously step into the calling You have invited her into and allow You to guide her in all that she does. Bless the work of her heart and her hands as she serves You.
In the strong and beautiful Name of Jesus Christ
I would love to pray over you! Contact me below or email me in the box on the right.