Today's Fun Fact: Napping boosts the creative process.
Is resting a challenge? Here's a better question: Did you know resting is good for the creative?
I'm learning to listen to my body. When my brain struggles with the creative process, it's time to rest.
According to a group of MIT researchers, science backs this up. Just a 20-30-minute nap may be just what I need to get the creative juices flowing again.
I love it when science proves what God has already spoken.
God considered rest so vital that He carved out a whole day of the week for it. Jesus further shared that we bear fruit when we rest in Him. In John 15:5, He said, "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing."
Apart from Jesus, I can do nothing. He expanded God's call to rest into a life mission, not just a one-day/week routine.
When your body tells you to rest, do you listen to it? Creativity serves as a great motivator.
Some tips for resting:
Take a power nap (20-30min) in the afternoon.
Find a place outdoors where you can sit and enjoy the view. Better yet, lay a blanket on the grass and breathe in your surroundings. (As long as it isn't wet.)
Sit in the Presence of the Father and seek His face.
Be still and know that He is God.
November 18 is my birthday, and my precious husband is taking me to the mountains. It's time for a reset.
So, I will take a break from our coffee date today to spend time with my husband and work on my writing. (This letter was sent yesterday.)
Oh, by the way, I know how the Revealed Book Series ends, and I am working on tying the plot into the end. I know it's not fair, but trust me, I promise it will be well worth the wait.
After you read this, I want you to join me for a fifteen-minute break. (I’ll be taking mine in the mountains.) Find a quiet place where you can sit in the Lord's presence. I like to invite Him into the moment. I know He is already there, but my invitation prepares my heart for His presence. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. Repeat for a total of five deep breaths. When I do this, I speak the name YAH-WEH with each cycle. So, "YAH" as I inhale and "WEH" as I exhale.
Oh wait, you didn't know the Name of God is in your every breath? Pretty cool, huh?
After this moment of deep breathing, I want you to open your eyes and focus on your natural surroundings. Recognize the Lord's Hand in His creation. I like to thank the Lord for His presence and lay anything down that weighs heavy on my heart. I do this by opening my hands and placing each thing or person in them; then, I lay them down. In my mind's eye, I see them fall at the feet of Jesus and thank Him for helping me and giving me wisdom in each circumstance.
Then, I ask the Lord to speak. I will wait in the quiet until I hear His gentle whisper. The whisper often sounds like my thoughts, but I know that it is His voice when:
The voice is calm and leading.
The voice is convicting but never condemning. Conviction points to sin and leads you out, while condemnation from the enemy focuses on and identifies the person with/as their sin.
God’s voice will always align with His Word.
Love will always lead.
Often, thoughts that have nothing to do with the moment pop into my head. If they are important, I write them down to sort through them later; if not, I instruct them to leave.
Over the next week, I will sit at my Father's feet and follow the scripture that He gave to lead us to rest. Then, through the end of the year, I will intentionally take this time at least twice a day. By making these intentional changes, I am resetting my day to be with the Father. I would love for you to join me!
I will also be spending quality time with my family. I pray you can also spend some beautiful moments with your family. This life is short; enjoy every moment.
If you choose to step into this reset, please let me know how I can pray for you. I have included a seven-day downloadable prayer prompt designed to help you rest. Enjoy!
A Prayer for you:
Father God, we thank You for teaching and calling us to rest. Lord, help us to learn to breathe You in and sit in the beauty of Your presence. May we recognize the slowing of our heartbeat and the peace that enters in. May this time not only enter us into Your rest but also give us eyes to see You in the midst of every moment. As we learn to slow down and sit in Your sacred rest, help us lay down anything that weighs heavy on our hearts. Jesus said to come to Him, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and He will give us rest. We choose to come to You, Lord, and receive this gift that You have so freely given. May those who choose to sit in Your presence be forever blessed by Your peace. In Jesus' Name, we pray, amen.