This weekend I ventured on my quarterly quest for a health update.
The air was brisk but the sun shined bright. I delighted in the resilience of the daffodils as they shined in the light and the Cherry blossoms that welcome spring's reveal.
These trips are quick. Fly out Sunday and fly home Monday or Tuesday. In between is a flurry of activity including checking in and out of hotels, finding food, tracking down Vlad, getting bloodwork and sitting in a machine as the colorful lights tell my doctor the current state of my extra brain mass.
Once upon a time, I would have been anxious. Anxious over the flight, anxious over checking in to my hotel, anxious over finding food, and yes anxious over the tests and their results.
Not anymore . . .
You see, the Lord gave me an assignment. "Look for my love," He said. And so look I do.
The people I meet on my travels are a varied mix. The mom who is courageously keeping her toddlers in tow. The teenagers excited over the opportunity to play a team in another state. Men and women going to or coming from important business meetings.
I wish I could say that I was confident enough to speak to each person that I feel called to. If I am honest, I do get a bit anxious there. But, Holy Spirit is kind in reminding me that God did not give me a spirit of fear but He gave me Him. God's Spirit has power, love and self-discipline. There it is- love. Look for my love, Eve and you will have all you need to fulfill your assignment.
"So what is my assignment, God?" I ask. Every day, I ask the Lord to empty me, fill me, use me and lead me. A dear friend shared this prayer with me and I have adopted it as my own. This allows me to reset every morning. Remove anything that I am holding onto and allow the Lord to fill me with the manna I need for that day. This prayer helps me to stay focused on what He calls me to do.
I have yet to hear the Lord tell me my assignment immediately. The answer often comes in a gentle whisper or a prompt in the moment of delivery. I know, it sounds a bit scary, but for me it works. You see, the Lord spends the day preparing me for what He is leading me into and then when it's time to act, He says, "Him, pray for him."
In yesterday's quest, there were two: the nurse who is finishing the last month of his MBA and is nervous to finish the massive project that will determine graduation, and then the beautiful lady in 26E.
I'm never sure what to say, so I ask questions. What's your name, how is your day, what brought you here, you know the casual questions. The Lord will then prompt me to offer to pray over certain things and their response gives me courage to go deeper if needed. The nurse's response was, "Oh thank you so very much, I desperately need prayer." The lady in 26E, well she was God's gift back to me.
"My name is Sybil," she said. My ears immediately perked up since that is the name of my dear Grandmother. Then she did something beautiful, she offered her hands and asked, "Would you agree with me in prayer over our flight?" I beamed, "Yes of course!" And so, we both went to the throne room together and asked the Lord to bless our flight. And bless it He did.
Afterward, my eyes teared up as I shared with her that my grandmother's name was Sybil. She too was a praying woman. When I began the journey of exploring my extra brain mass, she would call to check on me and would always tell me, I am praying for you, my church is praying for you. This was something new to me. Of course, I prayed, but a whole church praying, for me? "Why me?" I would ask God. And the Lord would answer, "Why not you? My word says to ask, seek, knock and the door will be opened."
When my Grandmother went home to Jesus, I grieved. I missed her sweet smile, her soft hands and her promise of prayer. But something stirred within me and I felt the calling to intercede for others as she did for me. She passed on the mantle of prayer to me.
Yesterday in row 26 as we shared in God's gift of prayer, I felt a sweet touch from the Father reminding me of the calling He has placed on my life. He does that, you know. His Word says, "The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." This Word was given by Moses when he too passed his mantle on to Joshua.
In that moment I felt a bit like the daffodils being strengthened by the sun's light. I am in a sifting season and this was a healing balm to my weary spirit. Thank You Lord for Your love. Thank You for going before me and preparing the way You have for me with Your loving eyes upon me. My eyes are open and I am ready. Thank you for my beautiful Grandmother and her praying heart and thank you for Sybil in 26E, bless her and keep her Lord and draw her children to You.
And I believe He will.
