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Eve M. Harrell
Aug 13, 20184 min read
When You Can't Fix It
It’s inevitable, regardless how successful you are, there will be a moment, a day, a season when you just can’t “fix it.” Oh, but we so...

Eve M. Harrell
Mar 16, 20183 min read
Suffering Into Joy
“How much more God?” My question in a season of pain. It began after Thanksgiving last year. Life Groups had winded down, the project of...

Eve M. Harrell
Dec 29, 20163 min read
A Jar of Praise
As we close 2016, many of us are reflecting on the past year and preparing for the resolutions of 2017. I love the unique approach that...

Eve M. Harrell
Sep 17, 20167 min read
Facing My Giants
As summer prepares her valiant exit and fall enters in all of his magnificent beauty, I ponder my word for 2016. Faith Did you pick a...

Eve M. Harrell
Sep 8, 20163 min read
Salvation Found in Scattered Tears
Silence greets her like a room of smoke, stifling and heavy. She paces back and forth, her heart beating like an invisible sword cutting...

Eve M. Harrell
May 2, 20164 min read
A Helicopter Mom's Guide to Letting Go
Your baby steps foot on the school bus for the first time, turning to wave goodbye as you shed a tear. Your child is entering Middle...

Eve M. Harrell
Jan 14, 20164 min read
Greater Than The Storm
It was spring of 2012 . . . Do you ever have a day where you just want to climb back under the covers until it is all over? That was my...

Eve M. Harrell
Dec 30, 20152 min read
A Word for 2016
What is the strength in a word? Well, I guess it depends on the word. What do you think of when I say the word “anxious?” What do you...

Eve M. Harrell
Aug 20, 20153 min read
When Faith is all you have
Where are you struggling today? We all struggle with something: waking up late, losing our keys, running out of coffee, losing a job,...

Eve M. Harrell
Aug 20, 20148 min read
Stand Mighty Warriors!
There is a genocide currently taking place. I am not directly speaking of the recent genocide in Iraq but instead of the genocide of the...
eve m. harrell
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