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Eve M. Harrell
May 2, 20164 min read
A Helicopter Mom's Guide to Letting Go
Your baby steps foot on the school bus for the first time, turning to wave goodbye as you shed a tear. Your child is entering Middle...

Eve M. Harrell
Apr 6, 20162 min read
A Birthday Blessing for my Son
On a Monday, you stole my heart for the very first time. I would have the honor of your calling me mom forever as mine. “Children are a...

Eve M. Harrell
Feb 8, 20164 min read
Parenting in a Thriving CommUnity
It is a beautiful Friday in Georgia. The sky is blue and the sun is shining so bright through my office window. It seems brighter today...

Eve M. Harrell
Jan 29, 20164 min read
When the Worry Wart Pops Up
Have you ever heard the phrase “Don’t be such a worry wart.” That was a common phrase when I was growing up and truth be told followed...
eve m. harrell
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