Today my heart goes out to those who lost beloved family members on flight MH17. So many questions including why? who? How can this happen? In our society today, it is so easy to be met with chaos, tragedy or even an unknown which is unexpected and find ourselves paralyzed. This is the enemy's plan, distract us from the life to the full that our Father has for us so we lose our focus.
So, we have to make a decision, do we allow the affairs of the world to define our reaction to them? Or do we push forward in Faith that God's Promises are real and are being fulfilled?
I choose Faith . . .
Fear or Faith
In a world of reaction
We are left with a question
Fear or Faith
In a world of rejection
Do we find protection in
Fear or Faith
In a world of distraction
We seem called to action
Is it
fear or Faith
Fear is a temptation
Which only gains traction
When we allow the illusion
Of his lure to take hold
You see
The battle for our minds is real
And while the enemy perseveres
There is a power which heals
Each Heart and mind made whole
History speaks of those who waited
For A King delivered from our Creator
A Promised Love fulfilled
From prophecy foretold
Jesus our Savior
Brought A healing Love Perfect in its Divine nature
John makes clear
That Perfect love casts out fear
True Love only sincere
From God to His Creation
And Faith
Faith is the assurance of things hoped for
and like the mustard seed Wells up like a spring
When we feel the Love in His redemption
So a choice
On the one hand fear a passive voice
On the other Faith which will rejoice
only one survives the confrontation
So at the end of the day
The choice you make will define your way
Will it be fear or Faith
Isaiah 41:10
Eve Harrell ©