Where is your heart today?
It’s raining here in the ATL. Drops fall in a torrent one moment to be followed up with a light drizzle the next. In my childhood we used to recite the poem, “April showers bring May flowers.” Today my heart is falling with the droplets as it waits for the flowers to bloom.
There are moments when the showers seem to be drowning any opportunity for beauty to be found.
Do you find yourself drowning too?
I received a cliff-hanger yesterday via text. Never a good way to begin a rainy morning. My stomach in knots, tears threatening my composure, I desperately attempted to hold it together.
I’ve shared in previous posts my tendency toward fear. The enemy loves to tie me up in knots with fear and worry over uncertain situations. And he has been working overtime on my behalf of late.
But God . . .
A friend texted me encouragement with a prayer “Fear not! God is with you.”
A verse hanging above my desk encourages, “Though a host encamp against me, my heart will not fear; though war arise against me, in spite of this I shall be confident. (Psalm 27:3)
I shall be confident- it’s hard to feel confident when you’re drowning. MUST – LOOK – UP. (I encourage myself)
After receiving the finality of my cliff-hanger, my heart sank in the ocean of my tears while the concrete boots of fear dragged me into the abyss.
But God . . .
As I open my social media, I read a beautiful post from my friend Erin Perry, you can read it here.
Thank you, Erin for sharing your spiritual battle and reminding me that I am God’s and He has already won!
Christine Caine, never one to disappoint, reminds, “We can expect our mourning to turn to gladness. We can expect our sorrow to be turned to joy.”
We can EXPECT. Not we can HOPE or even PRAY. We can EXPECT. This encouragement is taken from the verse Psalm 30:11- “You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy.” Just prior to this scripture, David is asking: “Hear, Lord, and be merciful to me; Lord, be my help.” David is dedicating the temple to the Lord and in this Psalm he is remembering God’s faithfulness in a time that he called for help.
Shereadstruth shared “They realized that this task has been accomplished by our God.” Nehemiah 6:16.
First5app shared, “God is who He says He is, and He does what He says He will do, even when we can’t see it.
As I woke this morning, I was spent. Do you know that feeling? When your muscles feel like they just don’t want to move? The tears have dried up but your cheeks feel tight and dry themselves.
But God . . .
My friend shared this with me this morning from Proverbs31: “When life doesn’t go our way – which it rarely does – we don’t always know how to recover our wonder in trusting God. That’s when our faith is critical, because all the disappointment in the world will never change the promises of God, the reality of Jesus or His destiny for our lives. None of our broken dreams, personal heartaches or shattered plans will stop His desire for us to fulfill our purpose. Making God’s promises bigger – getting into His Word and letting it get into us – is what revives our hearts.”
Then, my heart soared when several of my beautiful girls prayed for and over me.
When you see "But God" in the Bible, you know that a divine interruption is in the works. Today, I am receiving these beautiful interruptions as a dose of Vitamin D. The flowers are on their way.
If you are drowning, I pray that you too will feel the refreshment of His grace through His divine interruptions.
Thank you to those committed to being obedient to God’s voice. God blesses us with one another to help in the moments when we are drowning. As He calls us to look to the Son, sometimes we just need someone to put their arms around us and direct our vision. He is ALWAYS with us, and beautifully in those that He has placed in our path.
Thank You, Father, for reminding me to trust You, that You are making all things work for my good.
Oh lookie, there’s that ray of sunshine.
Father, I pray for those who are drowning today. Please God grant them comfort in the knowledge that you are with them, in every moment of every day. Remind them of your unfailing love so they can entrust you with their life and the lives of those in their path. Thank You God for Your faithfulness. In Jesus’ Name AMEN